Allergies summary box

You can document and consult your patients' allergies using the Allergies summary box in the summary of the patient record.

Add an allergy or intolerance

  1. Click on the + of the Allergies summary box.
  2. In the Search a term... field, type the allergy or intolerance to be documented.
  3. Select the desired choice from the list that appears.
  4. Adjust the details, such as whether it is an allergy or intolerance, the start date and additional information.
  5. Click on Add allergy.

Indicate that the patient has no allergy

  1. Click on the + of the Allergies summary box.
  2. Click on the icon Add the mention "No allergy/intolerance".
  3. Click on Add allergy.

Consult allergies

  1. Click on the title of the Allergies summary box.
  2. Allergies and intolerances are displayed in two separate sections. Additional information, author, and date of entry are also displayed.

Modify/delete an allergy

  1. Click on the title of the Allergies summary box.
  2. Click on the title of the allergy or intolerance to modify it.
  3. Click on the trash icon at the end to the right of the allergy or intolerance to delete it.

ℹ️ Please note

  • The list of allergies available is that of Vigilance Santé.
  • In order to optimize the efficiency of granular data in Omnimed, there is no free text field to add an allergy that is not on the list. You must select a choice from the drop-down list absolutely. The goal is to standardize the entries and to generate reports and statistics on your patients.

💡  Did you know...

Iodine allergy does not exist. It is an atom that is absolutely essential for the survival of each of our cells. Without it, we would die within days. It is in particular by this mechanism that the irradiated nuclear bombs die because the atom is ionized and can no longer be used by the body. We are actually allergic to the contrast medium, which contains iodine.