Find out about the application's status


At Omnimed, it is important for us to be transparent and to inform our users in real time of the various situations that may affect their work. We know your reality well and understand the importance of having access to our systems and being able to use them effectively.

Did you know that we have a team that monitors the health of our systems 24/7 and is working full-time on improving our architecture and infrastructure? It is important to understand, however, that no IT tool is immune to service disruption or other issues that may affect the availability of the services and tools offered. Whether it is due to a manipulation in the infrastructure, a problem coming from one of our external partners (e.g. slowdown in the transmission of faxes via SRfax, the availability of the various areas of the DSQ or of the SAFIR forms , a temporary shutdown of RxVigilance, etc.), an overload on our network, an equipment failure or an update of our equipment, the source and the cause of these unfortunate situations, which are often unpredictable, vary greatly and do not affect all of our services in the same way.

In the last few weeks, you have faced some problems with our system. During our internal post-event meeting, we identified weaknesses regarding our communications with our customers. We've then decided to undertake work to improve this. Thus, in order to increase our transparency and our responsiveness in the event of service interruptions, we have set up a status page for our systems.

Consult the status of the application

In order not to waste time when you want to consult the status of our services:

1. Access this page from the Need Help? cection. from Omnimed's main navigation menu (left fixed menu)

2. Save this link to your favorites.

3. Subscribe to updates to receive real-time notifications by email or SMS when an incident is in progress. ⚠️We strongly recommend that at least one person per clinic be subscribed.

This page allows you to:

  • Have a global overview of the availability of our system (uptime)
  • Easily consult the status of the tools we make available to you.
  • Monitor the progress of events and have feedback on the situation during service interruptions.

    We invite you to consult this page as soon as you encounter a problem with our system to see if it has already been listed. If the problem does not appear there, you can contact our team at or by chat to let us know.