January 2022 - New clinical tools


You’ll find below the list of clinical tools that were added in December 2021 and January 2022. The full list of clinical tools is available by following this link: Liste des outils cliniques (French only). We invite you to use the search function (Ctrl + F) to search this list.

We remind you that new clinical tools are added at the request of customers and according to the projects we are working on. Our three client teams divide the work and prioritize requests every two weeks during a meeting called “the Clinical Tools Office”.  Requests come from:

  1. deployments of new customers in progress
  2. projects led by our Healthcare Pathways team which develop tools specific to certain care trajectories in order to facilitate processes and follow-ups (e.g. diabetes follow-up, rheumatology follow-up, pregnancy follow-up, home care, the integration of “les guichets d’accès réseau pertinence”, etc.)
  3. requests from users of medical clinics.

Some factors play an important role in the prioritization of requests:

  1. Type of documents: We always give priority to official tools such as those from the Ministry, those available on the OIIQ, INESSS, etc. websites, as well as known assessment and screening tools.
  2. Scope: We prioritize the tools that will respond to the greatest number of customers.
  3. Frequency of request: The more a tool is requested, the more likely it is to be integrated.
  4. Billable or non-billable services: The development of clinical tools is part of our billable services. “Billable” tools are therefore prioritized.

New tools in Omnimed (end of 2021-start of 2022)


  • Biopsie de l'endomètre (French only)
  • Insertion d'un DIU (French only)


  • M-Chat

MOCA 8.3


  • HBP management in pharmacy
  • Management of non-insulin- dependent diabetes in pharmacy
  • Management of hypothyroidism therapy in pharmacy
  • Management of insulin-dependent diabetes in pharmacy
  • Migraine management in pharmacy
  • Management of dyslipidemia in pharmacy

Patient Support Programs (PSP)

Numerous patient support program registration forms have been integrated: Belysta (belimumab),  BOTOX (onabotulinumtoxina),  Maviret (glécaprévir/pibrentasvir), Skyrizi (risankizumab) and Lupron (leuprolide acetate).


  • Demande pour immunoglobulines non spécifiques intraveineuses (IgIV) (AH-240) (French only)
  • Physiotherapy request - External
  • Référence pour le dépistage d’un traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCC) (French only)
  • Réponse du médecin consultant (AH-226) (French only)
  • Service de biologie médicale non disponible au Québec (AH-612) (French only)

Requisitions 06

  • Accueil clinique - Demande de référence accident ischémique transitoire - CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l'île (French only)
  • Demande d'analyse de laboratoire (Clientèle externe) CHUM  (French only)
  • Pathology requisition - Optilab MUHC
  • SAPA - Formulaire de référence au guichet d’accès SAPA du CIUSSS du Centre-Sude-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (French only)

Requisitions 08

  • Consent to the transfusion of labile and stable blood products - CISSSAT
  • TEP scan form - CISSSAT
  • Inhalothérapie - Fonction respiratoire - Demande générale - CISSSAT (French only)
  • Prescription NST (French only)
  • Requête induction (French only)
  • Service de polysomnographie - Référence pour dépistage des troubles du sommeil CISSSAT (French only)

Requisitions 14 (new group!)

  • Accueil clinique - Demande d'inscription et de rendez-vous CISSS Lanaudière (French only)

Private requisitions

  • Medical prescription for sleep test - Sommeil bleu


  • Arthritis - First consultation 
  • Modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS)


Patient document

  • Update of the registration with a family doctor form
    • Formulaire_Inscription_RAMQ_EN
    • MSSS_Autorisation Communiquer Renseignements Dossier (AH-216) EN