System requirements for using Omnimed


In this article, you will find the system requirements and minimum system requirements for Omnimed.

To have an optimal experience with Omnimed's EMR, it is really important to make sure that you meet the system requirements with your workstation and computer equipment.

Here are the minimum required specifications for your monitors, computers, and printers in order to maximize the performance of our information technology solution.

⚠️ If you have equipment other than the minimum recommended, you may experience performance and compatibility problems that our support team will be unable to resolve. Please contact us for further information and alternatives.

Internet link

Supplier Bell or Videotron
2 links to ensure redundancy in case of failure
Clinic with less than 15 users Download: 60 Mbit/s or better
Upload: 10 Mbit/s or better
Clinic with 15 users and more Download: 100 Mbit/or better
Upload: 60 Mbit/s or better
Browser Chrome, most recent version


Operating system Windows 10 or higher
Processor Intel "Core i-5" 9th generation or higher
Live memory (RAM) > 8 GB (16 GB recommended)
Free hard drive space > 10 GB
Monitor Size > 20’’
Minimum resolution: 1080p

Computer used for scanning and filing

Please note that if you are using a laptop for scanning, it will need to be connected with an Internet cable and to a power outlet at all times.

Operating system Windows 10 or higher
Processor Minimum: Intel "Core i-5"
Recommended: Intel "Core i-7" for OCR use
Live memory (RAM) > 8 GB
Disk speed Minimum: 7200
Recommended: SSD
Free hard drive space > 50% (min 20 GB)
Monitor Size > 20’’
Minimum resolution: 1080p


Only the following brand and models are compatible with our scanning solution.

Fujitsu # fi-6130
# fi-6140
# fi-7140
# fi-7160
# fi-7260
# fi-7180
# fi-7280
# fi-7300NX
# SP-1130Ne

*All Fujitsu fi series models are compatible.


All printer models are compatible with the web application.