Appointment activities management module


The Appointment activities management module allows the administrator account owner to add, modify, and delete the types of appointments available in your clinic.

⚠️ Only designated people can use the administrator account. To do this, you must have access rights, which are given by Omnimed at the request of the clinic manager or an authorized person.

Add an activity

  1. Access the administrator account.
  2. Click on Manage activies in the Appointment management section.
  3. Click on the + in the lower right corner.
  4. Complete the default information associated with the new activity:
    1. Color;
    2. Name;
    3. Default appointment type (in person, telephone, online, home visit or other);
    4. Instructions for the appointment (these instructions will appear by default in the appointment communications if the selected appointment type is Other);
    5. Duration.
  5. Check the Customize the associated statuses box to modify the statuses associated with the activity by default.
  6. Click on Add to save the activity.

ℹ️ The type Other allows you to configure instructions specific to the activity that will be automatically transmitted to patients with the booking notice and appointment reminder. No more need to add a note for the patient manually for each appointment or go through the administrative center to send the information!

This allows e.g. to inform patients of your cancellation policy, give them more details on where they should go for their appointment, instructions related to their appointment, etc.

Make sure to test it out by booking an appointment for yourself to see how it “turns out”.

Modify an activity

  1. Place the cursor on the line associated with the activity and click on the pencil icon.
  2. Modify the information of your choice (color, name, default appointment type, instructions for the appointment, duration) and click on Modify.

Delete an activity

  1. Place the cursor on the line associated with the activity and click on the bin icon.

  2. Confirm the deletion of the activity by clicking on Delete.