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  3. Québec health record (QHR)

Access the QHR viewer (imaging report, medications et laboratory results)

⚠️ Please note that we are not a Quebec Health Record (Dossier santé Québec). If you do not have a QHR key or if you have questions concerning QHR Production, outside of Omnimed, you must contact their customer service directly.

DSQ Service Center

Direction générale des technologies de l'information, ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

Email: 00_DSQ_Centre_de_services@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

Toll free: 1 877 826-2433
Quebec City area: 418 683-2433

Access to the QHR for laboratories, imaging reports, and medications is available through Omnimed's EMR. If you have the prerequisites to access the QHR and if your user profile is set up, the last step to do is to access the QHR viewer.

In order to be able to view the data available in the QHR for your patient, you must:

  1. Access the patient's record. The Quebec Health Record (QHR) box is located in the record summary.
  2. Enter the confidential code (PIN) in the window that appears on the screen. The window can sometimes only appear in the Windows taskbar. The window disappears after a certain delay, refresh the page to display it again (F5 key on the keyboard).
  3. The patient is automatically searched at the DSQ in order to establish a match of the record according to the established matching criteria:
    1. Health Insurance Number (HIN) or;
    2. First name and surname, gender, and date of birth including first names and surnames of mother and father if specified in the Administrative Center.

      If no correspondence is found in the QHR, add the name of the father or the mother in the Administrative Center and update the page.

  4. Once the connection has been made and the record found at the QHR, the QHR box displays the date on which the patient consented to the sharing of his data with the QHR and the access links to the various DSQ domains.

  5. Click on the link of a domain in the QHR box to open it in another tab. Consult the articles below to learn more about Omnimed's different QHR viewers:

Advantage of reconciling the record the QHR
Automatic import of the HIN, father's name and mother's name if available at the QHR and not already specified in the Administrative center.