How to print the patient's summary?

In order to facilitate the transmission of information to the record, it is possible to choose the elements of the summary to be printed. This allows you to share only relevant data with a third party or with the patient himself, for example, a list of the latest vital signs, a list of problems to send to a specialist, or an updated list of drugs requested by an insurer.

Print the patient summary

  1. Access the patient record.
  2. Click on the printer icon located in the header of the patient record.
  3. Select the elements to be printed by unchecking those you do not want to print (optional).
  4. Click on the Print button.

Practical example: Printing the list of drugs

  1. Access the patient record.
  2. Add to the summary the medications you want to print.
  3. Click on the printer icon located in the header of the patient record.
  4. Click on Deselect all to remove all checkboxes and check the Medications box.
  5. Click on the Print button.