
Licence Billing Policy

License billing varies according to the type of license and the number of days of use. This License Billing Policy is intended to clarify the criteria that define paid use.

Billing by license type

Healthcare practitioner:

Billed from 5 days of use per month (see below how the number of days is calculated)

Administrative staff:

Included in the business package

Student :

Free of charge

Billing by the number of days of use

A connection to Omnimed within a day is not necessarily equivalent to a day of use. A paid use day is defined globally by the creation of one or more clinical notes and/or by the presence of appointments for medical consultation, regardless of the location of the connection.

Examples of actions that generate the creation of a clinical note:

  • Write a clinical note (send, save, complete);

  • Take action on a task (add, modify, reply or complete);

  • Fill a prescription or add medication without prescribing;

  • Fill a clinical tool;

  • Add an element to the patient record summary: manual addition of a result, observation of vital signs, a life habit, an allergy, an immunization or vaccine, a problem, and past medical history;

  • Complete a request.

  • Print.

Examples of actions that do not generate a clinical note:

  • View the content of a patient record;

  • Consult/modify the content of the patient's administrative center;

  • View appointments or events;

  • Register or remove patients from the waiting room.

The following actions are voluntarily excluded from the calculation of the number of days of use, even if they generate the creation of a clinical note:

  • Scanning documents on behalf of a professional;
  • Take action on a result (archive, follow, add a comment, or add a task).

Note: As a general physician, you are required to claim your refunds if you meet the eligibility requirements of article 17.00 Frais de cabinet liés à l'utilisation d'un dossier médical électronique.

The following actions are voluntarily excluded from the calculation of the number of days of use, even if they generate the creation of a clinical note:

  • Scanning documents on behalf of a professional;
  • Take action on a result (archive, follow, add a comment, or add a task).

Note: As a general physician, you are required to claim your refunds if you meet the eligibility requirements of article 17.00 Frais de cabinet liés à l'utilisation d'un dossier médical électronique. Claiming the refunds makes you ineligible for billing based on the number of days of use mentioned above.


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