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Generate orchestrator data reports (Hub statistics report concerning "l'accès" GAP, advanced access, etc.)


In order to support the new measures set out in the agreement on “l'accès” (access to primary care services) between the FMOQ and the MSSS (French only), we have produced a set of reports that will allow you to evaluate your clinic's or a caregiver's objectives based on the data in your electronic medical record (EMR), as well as to provide you with a comparison for when the same statistics will be produced by the MSSS team.

Now that these reports are also available by the Hub, our reports can be used as a comparison. Since their release, the Hub's reports have not been unanimously received due to discrepancies with the information present in the EMRs. It has since been mentioned that it is preferable to use reports from EMR providers, since they hold the raw information on appointments (if appointment management is done via the EMR).

To better understand the new measures, we invite you to read the RAMQ's August newsletter. The following reports must be plan as your Reports module might expire before they finish downloading.

There are 3 reports:

  1. “Rapport de rémunération - Accès en temps opportun
  2. “Rapport de rémunération - Disponibilités GAP pour inscrits de groupe”
  3. “Statistiques des rendez-vous avec patients non-inscrits GMF”

Reports content

"Rapport de rémunération - Accès en temps opportun"

The intent behind this report is to show the number of appointments offered by a specific doctor to the FMG's patients, for a certain period of time, and to show the proportion of these appointments for which there were less than 72 or 36 hours between the time the appointment was created and the time it started.

This report is based our your clinic's RAMQ importation. It doesn't contain patients registered "hors-RAMQ", orphan patients or patients registered in another FMG. 

Here are the report details:

- Column 1: Total of appointments for the selected period with the selected doctor with patients registered in the FMG

- Column 2: Number of appointments with less than 72 hours between the time it was booked and the time it started

- Column 3: Number of appointments with less than 36 hours between the time it was booked and the time it started

In the following example, the report shows that the doctor had 80 appointments booked for the period. From these 80 appointments, 44 were booked 72 hours before they started (55% of the total number of appointments) and 40 were booked 36 hours in advance. This means that only 4 appointments were booked more than 36 hours in advance, but less than 72 hours.

Rapport de rémunération - Disponibilités GAP pour inscrits de groupe

Gives, for a certain period of time,  the number of availabilities, per caregiver, for a given activity (typically the one you have associated with the GAP project in your clinic) whether or not the slots were filled by a patient. The GAP project does not take into account whether or not a patient has finally taken the slot.

In addition, any appointments with that same activity that are NOT related to the above mentioned slots are also counted. In general, these non-available appointments are used for necessary follow-ups. 

It is then important to open your time slots in the Manage schedule view, as only these availability blocks will be counted. Also, to be counted properly, it is important not to change the activity of the time slot (e.g. to accommodate another type of appointment at the last minute).


Statistiques des rendez-vous avec patients non-inscrits GMF

Gives the number of appointments given to a patient who is not registered in the FMG at the time of the appointment (i.e. orphan or registered elsewhere).

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